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The State Library of South Australia acknowledges and respects Aboriginal people as the state’s first people and nations, and recognises Aboriginal people as traditional custodians and occupants of South Australian land and waters.

Indigenous Services

Access the following services by using our Ask Us service:

  • Research into the State Library's Indigenous collections.
  • Providing advice on the State Library's Indigenous collections.
  • Processing, cataloguing and indexing the State Library's Indigenous collections.
  • Raising awareness with enquirers of special access conditions to Indigenous materials.
  • Liaising with communities and enquirers requesting copies or access to the State Library's Indigenous materials.
  • Developing partnerships with the communities and like institutions.
  • Publishing and developing contextual online information on Indigenous collections.
  • Collaborating and participating in Indigenous events and programs.

Indigenous Collections

The State Library holds a number of significant Indigenous anthropological archival collections, including the Mountford-Sheard collection.

Find out how to explore our Indigenous Collections.

Indigenous protocols, policy and usage

Find out about the protocols we have adopted, the digital repatriation policy, the conditions of use for the Indigenous Collections including copyright, seek permission to publish or order a copy, cultural clearance and timeframes.

View the protocols, policy and conditions of use.

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The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) is a world-renowned research, collections and publishing organisation. They promote knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.

Guides to help your research

Research Guides

Find research assistance, subject guides and useful resources on a range of subjects.