We recently announced the temporary closure of the Mortlock Chamber for recarpeting. Unfortunately, there’s been an unexpected delay to the project which is out of our control.
The good news is that you now have more time to visit this fascinating historic chamber, soak up the atmosphere, explore the books, and use the unique study and research bays on the upper level.
All updates on the works will be provided on our website, socials and newsletter.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
This work is part of the Library’s commitment to providing a welcoming and safe environment for visitors and staff.
The existing woollen carpet was installed during the State Library building redevelopment between 1998 and 2004. The high traffic flow over the intervening 20 years has worn the carpet in several spaces, creating potential trip hazards.
When the work begins, if you need a place to study, visit the Research Library, Level 1, from 10am Monday to Friday and 12pm Saturday and Sunday.
All other Library services and spaces will remain open.
While you are at the Library there is more to explore, including: