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Farmhouse on Bismark Hill [B 70683/7]
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A place by any other name: From Bismarck to Weeroopa to Brooklyn Park

16 January 2019

In South Australia, in the midst of World War One, many places were renamed. But which ones? The South Australian Government Gazette holds the answer...

The weekly winding of the clock featuring Anthony Laube
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The ticking of the Mortlock clock

15 January 2019

The South Australian Chronicle reported on 25 June 1887: There has just been erected in the Museum, North-terrace, a large and handsome clock, the...

Lithograph of a drawing of the 45 year old Bishop Augustus Short by Sir George Richmond 1847 [B 7939/2]
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Transcribing Tales: The diary of Augustus Short, first Bishop of Adelaide

13 January 2019

Augustus Short (1802-1883) was consecrated in Westminster Abbey on 29 June (St Peter's Day) 1847 as the first Anglican Bishop of Adelaide. Two months...

Frederick Leopold 'Leo' Terrell [PRG 1331/21/1]
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Transcribing Tales: From ironworker to everyman soldier to star of the screen

8 January 2019

In 1914 Frederick Leopold 'Leo' Terrell was a foundry worker in Port Pirie and Broken Hill, holding tenuously onto work while economic times became...

Newsbank eResource
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A new eResource - NewsBank

13 December 2018

The State Library is pleased to provide our customers with access to NewsBank for six months, until the end of June 2019. NewsBank is a database of...

Yi Quan in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi, Pu Songling (1640-1715), Coloured drawing 1851-1908. Image courtesy of Shandong Provincial Library
  • Media release

Exclusive to Adelaide Treasures from China on show at the State Library

6 September 2018

State Library of South Australia opens major international exhibition. From the home of Confucius, Shandong Province, comes an exhibition steeped in 3...

Members of a concert party group in Adelaide, c1922 [PRG 280/1/28/267]
  • Media release

Explore the performing arts in South Australia during wartime

2 March 2018

World War One, and its aftermath changed the world forever. How it influenced the performing arts in South Australia is the focus of a new exhibition...

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