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The State Library's phone service was impacted by the Optus network outage, but is now back online. You can still Ask Us a research question or search...
The State Library of South Australia is proud to unveil the new-look 2024 South Australian Literary Awards, with applications now open for the state’s...
Australian film director Scott Hicks’ personal collection of film memorabilia, including original film scripts, props, running sheets and award...
Our selection of new gardening books will spring you into gardening action. Or simply, appreciation. See the books on display inside the Library for...
Nature Festival is back and the State Library is pleased to present and host an exciting program of events, workshops, talks and exhibitions. From the...
The State Library was buzzing on Indigenous Literacy Day, Wednesday 6 September, with eager book lovers and the sound of our staff choir as people...
Invitation to attend the Community Consultation meeting The State Library of South Australia recently received the following records from the United...
Applications are now open for the inaugural SA Literary Fellowships program to support professional writers living in South Australia. Writers SA and...
The State Library Book Display has gone stylish and glam, showcasing a range of new books on fashion and design. Find these books on display in the...
The State Library of South Australia, in partnership with the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (IFL), is hosting a Great Book Swap on Wednesday 6...
The State Library of South Australia has launched an innovative digital platform, Unstacked, which is informed by real-time browsing and encourages...
We've put together a few science-related books, eBooks, eJournals, and other eResources for this year's National Science Week. If you are planning a...