Changes to eResource subscriptions
Customers in the State Library are welcome to take photographs of the general interior of the three buildings for personal use. For example, a photograph of yourself taken in front of the Treasures Wall for a private photo album. To avoid disturbance to other users, flash photography is not allowed past the main security entrance. Customers and staff of the State Library are not to be photographed or filmed without their permission.
Certain items in State Library collections may not be photographed because of:
Permission is not required from State Library staff to photograph library materials used in the open access collections but - as with photocopying - the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 must be observed.
Permission from the State Library is required for subsequent publication of images of the interior of the State Library. Permission may be required for subsequent publication of images of the State Library's collections or artworks.
View how to order a copy or seek permission to publish.
An application form is also provided for items requiring permission. Each request is considered individually and the requester is notified in writing whether permission to publish has been granted, as well as conditions of use and the form of acknowledgment
Customers wishing to use a camera in the Somerville Reading Room must sign a State Library of South Australia Camera Use Policy form. This form provides the rules for the use of cameras in the Somerville Reading Room and customers will need to list the items they wish to photograph.
For further information refer to the Somerville Reading Room Conditions of Use.
Wedding photography is no longer permissible inside State Library buildings.
Wedding photography on the State Library forecourt is permitted, however, respect must be shown to library patrons, public sculptures, and infrastructure when doing so.